I have been given a Versatile Blogger Award by Lois Bartley - Thank you Lois
The idea is to follow a few requests and then pass the award on.
1. Make a post linking back to the person who gave you the reward
2. Share seven random things about yourself..... 7 why not 2!
3. Award seven recently discovered bloggers with this award and contact them to let them know they have won.
7 Random things about me...
1. I have seen The Barenaked Ladies 4 times in Glasgow
2. I have Coeliac Disease so follow a Gluten free diet
3. I'm addicted to crisps
4. I love Thomas Hardy books but have recently discovered that I like crime fiction
5. I got engaged to my hubby 11 weeks after meeting him - our 6th wedding anniversary is in September
6. I love love love musicals
7. I can play the harmonica, but not in cool blues music, just very basic tunes
I would like to nominate the following..